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Gucci for Net-a-Porter The fashion guitar

Without having found out exactly why, I feel extremely pulled towards 1960s/1970s street style photography lately. Maybe it’s the influence of this era that we are seeing in so many of the current collections – Gucci for example – or the fact that I’m living with someone who loves searching the internet looking for our next investment – I realize buying art and photography sounds a bit pretentious, but you have to start somewhere, and we are obviously starting small – but in any case I’m loving it. And it’s not only the fashion that mark this time-frame what makes me obsessively hover on Pinterest, but the type of films that were used – which brings those magical colorings in the photos – and the way photographers worked with natural light, and the roughness of the cities back then – the contrast of the beauty in those places – is what I’m intrigued by.

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Gucci slippers The Fashion Guitar

I present to you: My absolute/ultimate/total relax outfit… Nothing better than loose-cut denim – preferably as a one-piece – an oversized shirt, and a pair of slippers. Totally ready to cruise through the day. Although, this outfit is way to warm right now. Cause no matter where I go, New York or Toronto, it’s BLOODY HOT out there. So I’m mostly spending my time indoors, oh wait, no, our air-condition is broken, so even for indoor-life this outfit is too warm. Don’t worry, we are not a naked-house, we wear decent outfits, move slowly, and embrace every single breeze we can get through the front-door… So, going back to cruisin’, best thing to do when your AC is broken?

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Chloe Rainbow top Charlotte Groeneveld

There are a thousand reasons to wear this Chloe Rainbow top, and yet I’m not wearing it enough. Why? I couldn’t give you any good reason why I’m not LIVING in it… Gosh, I don’t know… Maybe because it’s too pretty to wear? Do you know that feeling? When you have something so beautiful, you rather look at it every morning in your wardrobe, than putting it on… Such a shame, I know, but it happens too often! Maybe I should focus less on the many reasons  why I should be wearing it all the time, and start wearing it…

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Avon ANEW The Fashion Guitar Charlotte Groeneveld

When it comes to skincare, I’ve been a rookie for a very long time, but this year everything changed. In my never-ending search for “the best” cremes and serums – those that work well with my skin, have a favorable texture, AND smell heavenly – I got introduced to the Avon ANEW skincare line. So it was time to put it to the test, and integrate the products into my daily beauty-routines. This is what happened…

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X Jewellery The fashion guitar Charlotte Groeneveld

I’m very dedicated when it comes to my accessories and jewellery. I only wear what I truly love, and when I truly love it, I wear it all the time. And so it went with my X Jewellery bracelets. X Jewellery is the brand I designed four bracelets for last year – which are in fact available as we speak, and with a few additions like the one I’m wearing today. These four bracelets I designed have literally been on rotation around my arm. In combination with the bracelets I already have, they always seem to be the perfect add-on. They basically go with everything I love, and that’s what makes me love them even more.

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