My dream coat, plain and simple, in perfect lilac… What else can a girl wish for?
My dream coat, plain and simple, in perfect lilac… What else can a girl wish for?
New ways of planning, new ways of wearing, and new ways of blogging. The coming weeks it’s all about doing things in new ways. I needed something different, a new blog lay-out – which has been on the planning for months, but cancer got in the way – and new ways of wearing my favorite pieces. Pieces that have been too far in the back of my closet for too long… Starting with these Wang boots. It was the first Wang piece I bought, I was utterly in love with them… was because somehow I’ve been wanting to sell them for ages – never did it – but also never found a good way to wear them again. You see, I find them hard to style, cause as much as I love this kind of knee boots on others, for me it’s not that simple. And then I got inspired by my Greek favorite of all time, Evangelie. As usual, she knows.