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Charlotte Groeneveld | THEFASHIONGUITAR

It’s been a while since my last post – sorry! – and reason for that is that I took of the weekend off to go upstate with family and friends. For the first time in 4,5 years I didn’t bring my laptop with me – and this is very exceptional, you should have seen Thomas’ face when I told him. Of course there was a little instagramming involved while we were there, but honestly, I kept it to a minimum – check out my photos from our stay here. Anyway, up there in Stocksbridge it was cold… even colder than on Manhattan… Not ideal in terms of timing, because we were all longing for Spring so badly!

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Charlotte Groeneveld | THEFASHIONGUITAR

Yup, you’re reading it right! We had a little fling with Spring, but we are back to snow! No, I kid you not, it’s for real… 90% snow in my weather app… Gosh, so lucky I had this look left from that one day I was shooting a Spring-look while it was snowing… Huh? I guess this story really makes no sense to anyone, but it’s not me, it really is the weather. So flaky lately, literally. Anyway, a couple of favorites combined with some romantic snowflakes, throwing in an oldie – the bag – and we are set to go! Obviously a bit too cold to actually go out in this look when it’s snowing, but in case you live somewhere where it’s actually Spring, this is what you want to wear!

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Baby blue faux fur jacket | THEFASHIONGUITAR

Since Gucci’s AW collections appeared on the runway I’m slightly obsessed with any colored (faux) fur. I know some of you hate me right now for wearing the fur coat in yesterday’s post, I take that. Today, though, it’s all about this perfect baby blue faux fur, which I also got on sale at our all time favorite high street store. I love shopping opulent and extravagant pieces during sale, cause it means I don’t have to feel so guilty when I wear them only a couple of times. Right?

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Preen by Thornton Bregazzi patchwork coat | THEFASHIONGUITAR

I never thought this patchwork-thing would be my thing, but this coat changed that thought completely. I’m in love with the colors and the way they’re mixed and put together as one long warm winter coat. It gives me a “Carrie-feeling”, not sure if I’m able to explain that feeling but by the looks of it you probably understand what I mean. It’s unique, even though it’s not one of a kind, and it keeps me really really warm, which is going to be a must the coming two weeks during New York Fashion Week…

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Pauw leather biker jacket | THEFASHIONGUITARI fell in love with the colors and the shapes of this look. Almost all pieces were super sales scores, except for the boots, jacket and clutch. They are usual suspects here on and absolute must-haves in every women’s closet.

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