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Elisabeth Arden Prevage | THEFASHIONGUITAR

Those who’ve been following me over the past five years know that I’m not that good with beauty routines. I don’t wash my face every night, I have no clear regime in place when it comes to creams (not even now I’ve hit the big 3-0), and I might not even be able to tell you what products I put on this morning. I could blame all of this on being a busy mom and business woman who tries to make everything work as best as I can, but in reality there isn’t a good reason for not doing beauty the right way. Since I started my blog, I’ve gained access to some pretty amazing beauty and skin care products, so it’s about time to put those to good use.

So, here I am, bare-faced on my blog, so that you can see my current skin condition before starting to use the PREVAGE® line by Elizabeth Arden. To be clear, I have done no re-touching to any of my portraits in this post so that you can clearly see my early-30’s fine lines and dark circles. The coming weeks I will take you with me on my journey with PREVAGE® to show you firsthand my experiences with the products—and what you can achieve if you add them to your skin care regimen…

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Charlotte Groeneveld for Meyba SS15 | THEFASHIONGUITAR

Going through the photos of todays’ look I realized that if there were to be one “type” of look that would really describe me on a regular weekday, a day with the kids, and as a New York mommy – apart from my double denim attire – it would be this: A fluffy sweater – shirt when summer – a fancy feminine skirt, and a pair of sneakers. Preferably combined with a beautiful design bag, that’s my guilty pleasure as you know, and big sunnies.

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Charlotte Groeneveld | THEFASHIONGUITAR

Lately there isn’t a day passing by that I’m not wearing denim, and for the first time in years I’m not feeling sorry for it. When I had my first baby, I was so scared of becoming one of those moms who dropped all sense of style after pushing one of those mini’s out, and loosing any interest in the way I would look. My blog has always been a great motivation for not turning into that one thing I was so scared of becoming, but also many trends from past seasons have made it so much easier to dress “interesting”, yet casual, and most importantly, “wearable” when running around as a mom. One of these – currently trending – trends is denim. Always, everywhere, no limitations. However, that pile of rather boring pairs of skinny jeans – which I have a hard time styling nowadays anyway – made way for denim culottes, shirts, jackets, and little dresses. Moreover, I’m totally pro double denim, but you knew that already too.

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I have a weak spot for masculine suits, so you can imagine how happy I got when I saw this one with the open sleeves. Very unique and it gives the whole look a total different vibe. In motion they feel very 70s, yet when standing still it’s more like a cape. Either way beautiful and the playfulness makes it a great pieces to a wardrobe that’s already full of black jackets – like mine.

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Charlotte Groeneveld | THEFASHIONGUITAR

It feels like forever ago that Adam – Le 21ème –  and I shot this “Everyday Icons” feature for H&M Life. As people around me know, I’m a very inpatient person, so I had kind of a meltdown waiting to share this with you… Yesterday morning it finally happened and I’m absolutely thrilled with the result!

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